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Do you believe that starting a window and glass business in Quebec, Canada, would be a good investment for you? While Quebec is an excellent location for the window and glass industry, you may not be the type of entrepreneur who is comfortable with putting their money at risk. Certainly understandable! It is for this reason that franchise opportunities exist.

Many companies offer profitable window business opportunities in Quebec, Canada, allowing a wide range of options for entrepreneurs looking for window & glass business in Quebec, Canada. One of the main reasons the window & glass business sounds so appealing for business-minded individuals is its comparatively low investment and fewer demands while starting a business. Among many other companies that provide window & glass business, Window Medics is one renowned brand.

Franchise Opportunities in Quebec, Canada 

Franchise opportunities of Window Medics are looking for dedicated entrepreneurs in Quebec, Canada. If you are one of them, there’s nothing that can stop you from being one of the franchisees. It doesn’t matter what you studied in college or what industry you have worked for before; all you need is a license fee and enthusiasm for the business.

As a franchisee unit, your responsibilities include expanding your franchisor’s business and being an active part of the company as it grows. Respecting the franchisor’s business rules and culture is essential for franchisees to maintain as they work towards scaling their own business.

 Become a Window & Glass Business Franchise and Earn Maximum

What makes the window and glass business profitable and one of the best franchises to buy in Quebec, Canada? A window & glass business opportunity is like a home business opportunity, where you don’t have to invest in a rented space or premise to set up an office or stock your materials. The nature of this business is one of the first reasons why it doesn’t cost you extra to operate the business.

The next factor is that window & glass solutions are necessary solutions for energy-efficient people and many others who don’t neglect window problems.

Once you buy a window & glass business franchise, you become a dealer of window & glass services in your area, and you are licensed to offer the benefits of your franchisor. With a wide range of window & glass services like installation, replacement, maintenance, and support, you become a businessman with uninterrupted passive income. Imagine your benefits when you are a franchisee for a popular and known brand in the industry.

What is Window Medics Business Dealership in North York, Canada?

Window Medics is the fastest growing business in the window and glass industry and is still expanding rapidly. Its requirement for a franchisee is only a business-minded and passionate individual eager to be part of their growing business family.

Window Medics doesn’t merely expect individuals to waste their potential with a company that claims to be popular. With a unique and patented defogging process and modern windows and glass designs, they offer reasons where individuals see personal growth.

Window Medics defogging has become a favorable choice for many residential and commercial clients because of its cost-effectiveness.

Take a look at what benefits does your license fee buys you from Window Medics.

  • To be a part of the Window Medics family.
  • Comprehensive training sessions- skills and necessary details.
  • Flexibility and scalability in business
  • Guidance and support in marketing
  • Tried and tested strategies for business operation
  • Zero competition restoration process
  • No royalties
  • No requirement of experience

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q. How to find businesses for sale in Quebec, Canada?

Finding a business for sale starts with researching and knowing what business you are interested in. Business for sale opportunities can be found in surprisingly various places. You can ask your friends and social circle, or small business owners, or you can consult a business broker. Or you can just go online.

 Q. Where to find franchises for sale?

Some online websites where you can get business for sale listings are BizBuySell, BusinessesForSale, BusinessMart, BizQuest, Loopnet, Exchange, etc.

Q. What is the cost of the Window Medics franchise?

Window Medics is a low-cost investment franchise and costs you only $35,000.

 Q. How can the patented defogging process help my customers?

The patented defogging process makes the fogging glass go back to its original condition for an extended period of upto 20 years. And most importantly, it is at least 50% cheaper than the usual replacement process.

Q. Is Window Medics an experienced company?

Yes. Window Medics has been in the industry for over 16 years and is known for its services and modern-styled window designs.

Q. What is included in the Window Medics licensee fee?

 General and marketing support, website, branding, Intellectual Property (IP), equipment, training, business models, etc., are a few of the benefits and rights you buy with a licensee fee.

Q. What do I need to operate my business?

Your passion and a vehicle that can carry around a glass rack safely.

Q. What kind of services will I provide to my customers?

 As a Window Medics owner, you will be providing window restoration, replacement, installation, and defogging processes. You will also provide maintenance and support to whoever needs it.

 Q. Will I need to advertise for my business?

We already invest in national branding, but we will also provide you marketing support and materials for the local marketing of your business.

 Q. What does ‘zero competition restoration process’ means?

 Window Medics patented defogging process is a form of glass restoration process where the fogging glasses go back to their original condition. As a patented process, a Window Medics dealer will virtually have no competitors around them who are selling the same process.

Q. Are there any previous franchisees who have been successful with Window Medics?

Yes. You can check our official website for franchisees’ testimonials who have shared their success and journey briefly.

Q. How long do I have to spend in training?

Window Medics has an easy glass repair and replacement process, which you can learn in 2 days of comprehensive training.


Setting up a potential business means that you are now the primary decision-maker and the boss too. If you are looking forwards too, give us a call at 888-329-7116 (toll free) or send us your queries at

    Why Wait? Start your own Window Medics Dealership Today!

    It’s not a matter of “IF” the windows in the buildings in your area will need Window Medics It’s WHEN!

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